Corporation tax changes

The Government announced plans to reform the off-payroll working rules – known as IR35 – in the private sector from April 2020. Responsibility for operating the off-payroll working rules will move to the firm engaging the worker.  Small organisations will be exempt to ease the administrative burden for the vast majority of engagers, while medium and large organisations will be given support and guidance by HMRC.

In order to provide support to the high street, the Government is to reduce business rates by one-third for many retail properties with a rateable value below £51,000 for two years from April 2019, subject to state aid limits. The move is expected to save these struggling businesses £900m. Support for British high street will be supported by a £675m Future High Streets Fund to redevelop empty shops as homes and offices. There will be a new mandatory 100% business rates relief for public lavatories.