Annual house price growth has slumped to 1.7 per cent in January 2019 – the lowest rate since 2013. The latest House Price Index from the Office for National Statistics showed the average UK house price was £228,000 in January 2019, an increase of 1.7 per cent over the year, but down from the 2.2 per cent annual growth in December 2018.
Office for National Statistics Report
Some good numbers for a change. More people were employed today since records began in 1971. The unemployment rate also dropped to a low of 3.9% for the first time since the dark days of the 1970’s.
Autumn 2018 Budget
As the government is busy at the moment the Chancellor did not introduce many initiatives. The key changes were:
- There is a new capital allowance for new non-residential structures and buildings.
- The apprenticeship levy would be halved to 5% from 10%
- Don’t forget making tax digital for VAT returns comes into force on the 1st April 2019.